To be able to make money online, you need to have ads to present your opportunity, your business or your site. Without advertising, it’s like shouting in the middle of the desert. However making a splash or a webpage demand a little reflection before doing it. One of the important things that we must keep in mind is ‘’Who do I want to reach with my ad’’. Do I want to reach teenagers, adults, male, female, older people a specific group like those who like music or books, everybody? Except if you are in a very specific field like music, you want to reach as much people as you can. So, you want to be able to reach everybody. Let see an example of how an ad is made can make a difference between selling, getting referrals or not. Few years back, Pepsi made a tv commercial with Michael Jackson in one of his concert. Where I live, in the province of Quebec, Canada, that ad didn’t work. It didn’t really bring more sales of Pepsi. So, Pepsi have asked people from here to make a commercial. They have used a stand up comic from here; prepare a commercial with humor in it and bingo. The sales of Pepsi went to the roof. Why? Because humor is a good seller in the province of Quebec. You see how crucial it is to know who you want to reach in your ad. It is the same thing if you want to reach men and women since both do online marketing. If you use a nude woman with a panel in front of her, it is not sure that women will click on your ad or splash. Men will like if it is a man that is naked, the women will click also. So, working that way you lose half the population. There are ads out there with woman in bikini or man dress with just jeans but there is an artistic side of it. It glorifies the body and not using it as an object. Because if you use the body as an object, it is that object that people will want to buy at the subconscious level, not your product. Don’t believe me? Let me tell you another little story. I have a friend who was selling motorcycle and they were using a woman practically naked to sell their product. One day, a man came to the store to get the girl. Sure he liked the bike but it was the woman that he wanted. So, he went away, frustrated and never bought anything there. So, yes those kind of ads will bring you visitors but ask yourself, do they come to see my opportunity, product or site or once they have click on it and see that there are no naked woman or man the other side, they will close the window?
Author: Marthe Dumas
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